
什么是“team building”?

什么是“team building”?


什么是“team building”?

team building团队建议; 例句:1.Executive ability is the core competitiveness of team building in newly-merged or newly-established technical colleges. 执行力是新建高职院校队伍建设的核袜闹心竞争力。 2.The advantages of video games and the skills that are developed are wanted by employers-analytical thinking, team building, multitasking and solving problems in stressful situations are all key advantages in forming a well rounded student and a smart human being. 电视游戏的优点和成熟的技术正是当今雇主所需求的-独立思考,团队精神,多任务协作和高压环境下解决问题的能力,肆散这些都是成为一个全面优秀的学生和聪明裂好氏人需具备的关键条件。