
Katy Perry的International Smile中文歌词

Katy Perry的International Smile中文歌词


Katy Perry的International Smile中文歌词

International Smile演唱:Katy PerryFire was in her hair, she don't care火焰在她的发丝中跃动,她不管不顾Peach pink lips, yeah, everybody stares桃红色的嘴唇,对,所有人都再看着它You think you've seen her in a magazine你觉塌慧得在杂志上看过她团罩答It's like she walked right out of your dreams好像她从你的梦境中走出Black ray-bans, you know she's with the band黑墨镜,你知道她就在乐队中Passport stamps, she's cosmopolitan护照上的邮票,她是世界的Yeah, she runs a place at Penny lane对,她在Penny的飞机走廊的某个地方奔跑Yeah you lucky if you're on her plane对,如果在她的飞机上,你就是个幸运儿From Tokyo, to Mexico, to Rio从东京到墨西哥再到里约That girl’s a trip, a one way ticket那个女孩的旅程,是张单程票(那个女孩的旅程,有去无回)Takes you miles high, so high, 'cause she’s got that one international smile把你带高,很高,因为她有国际性的微笑闷扒Catch her if you can你能就抓住她Yeah, she's so in demand,啊,她正沉浸在自己的要求里无法自拔Takes you miles high, so high, 'cause she’s got that one international smile把你带高,很高,因为她有国际性的微笑She's got that, je ne sais quoi, you know it她得到它了,你知道的——无法描述的好So tres chick, yeah, she's a classic非常非常的精致,对,她是经典But she's pole dancing so fancy free但是她在想象和自由中舞到极点Yeah, she dances to a O.B啊,她舞到了极点'Cause she's the muse and the artist她是女神,她是舞者Always leaves a jealous stardust总留下一颗嫉妒的星辰'Cause she's a little bit a yolo, and she's a little bit a _"oh no"因为她有点自我,也有点懊恼From LA, Miami, to New York City从天使城,迈阿密,到纽约市That girl’s a trip, a one way ticket那个女孩的旅程,是张单程票(那个女孩的旅程,有去无回)Takes you miles high, so high, 'cause she’s got that one international smile把你带高,很高,因为她有国际性的微笑Catch her if you can你能就抓住她Yeah, she's so in demand啊,她正沉浸在自己的要求里无法自拔Takes you miles high, so high, 'cause she’s got that one international smile把你带高,很高,因为她有国际性的微笑Please fasten your seatbelts, and make sure your champagne glasses are empty让你心跳加快,确认你的香槟已空We are now approaching the runway, so get ready for take off我们在接近跑道,准备起飞That girl’s a trip, a one way ticket那个女孩的旅程,是张单程票(那个女孩的旅程,有去无回)Takes you miles high, so high, 'cause she’s got that one international smile把你带高,很高,因为她有国际性的微笑Catch her if you can你能就抓住她Yeah, she's so in demand她正沉浸在自己的要求里无法自拔Takes you miles high, so high, 'cause she’s got that one international smile把你带高,很高,因为她有国际性的微笑啊啊啊,终于翻完了,这歌词真难翻译翻的不好请见谅,呵呵。望采纳!!!