
Long Time no See这句话是怎么来的

Long Time no See这句话是怎么来的


Long Time no See这句话是怎么来的

How many times has the average person been greeted with the phrase "long time, no see"after running into an old acquaintance? My guess is plenty. But how and why did such agrammatically awkward phrase become a widely accepted part of American speech?普通人碰见老熟人的时候说到过多少升伏次“long time, no see”呢?我猜一定有过很多次吧!可是从语法上看起来吵宏携很别扭的神句“long time no see”怎么就能摇身一变成为人们普遍接受的美语呢?It turns out there are, at least, two strong possibilities.这说起来至少有两种比较大的可能。The first time "long time, no see" appeared in print was in the 1900 Western "Thirty-One Yearson the Plains and in the Mountains, Or, the Last Voice from the Plains An Authentic Record of aLife Time of Hunting, Trapping, Scouting and Indian Fighting in the Far West, by William F.Drannan. That last part of the novel's very long title is relevant here, as it gives a goodindication of the kind of story Drannan wanted to tell.“long time, no see”首次见于出版物是在1900年绝则由韦斯顿出版社出版、威廉·F·卓南所著的《翻山越岭三十一年》中,此书又名《在遥远的西部狩猎、捕获、侦查和与印第安人作战的一生的真实记录》。这本小说冗长的标题并非多余,因为它提示我们卓南想讲述的是个什么样的故事。