summer love是什么意思
的有关信息介绍如下:summer love的意思夏天的爱例句:双语英语1.My child is three winter when four summer love sick, and you also say it in this age chai buli. 我的孩子是三冬四夏时爱生病,也就和你说的这个年龄差不离吧.2.They say summer love is fleeting. 他们说夏天的爱情转瞬即逝。3.He is my spring fling, but now I'm looking for a summer love. 他是我春天逢场做戏的对象,我现在要寻找夏天的情人。4.She is my spring fling, but ncw I'm looking for a summer love. 他是我春天逢场作戏的对象,我现有要寻找夏天的情人。5.I wanted to make sure this wasn't just a summer love, that we had a solid relationship before we let people know. 我想确保这不仅仅是一场短暂的夏日恋爱,前腊而是在别人知道之前拥有一份稳定的感情。如果您有什么疑问和不解之慧清滑处,欢迎追问我!!!如果您认可我的答案,请采纳。您的正团采纳,是我答题的动力,O(∩_∩)O谢谢