
sure 和certain 有什么区别

sure 和certain 有什么区别


sure 和certain 有什么区别

sure 和certain 有什么区别答案:一、 先弄明祥如白它们意思与词性:sureadj.对....有把握, 确信某事, 稳当的, 可靠的adv.的确, 当然certain adj.确定的, 某一个, 无疑的, 必然的, 可靠的pron.某几个, 某些二、 用法:(一)Sure与certain是近义词,均作“一定的,确信的”等解。两者用法相似,多数情况下可换用,但有时不能换用。其用法区别大致如下: 一、 两者可换用的情况: 1. 跟不定式,可用人或物作主语。例如: It is sure/certain to rain. He is sure/certain to come. You’re sure/certain to be happy with them. 2.跟连接代/副词引起的不定式,常用人作主语。例如: I’m not sure/certain what to do. He was not sure/certain when to start. 3.跟of或about引起的短语。sure后可跟of doing sth. 常用人作主语。例如: I’m not sure/certain of that. Are you sure/certain about it? I’m sure of his coming. He’s sure of winning. 注:sure to do sth.与sure of doing sth.的区别:前者表示说话者认为“主语一定…”;后者表示“主语自认为一定…”。例如: He is sure to succeed. (说话者认为“他”一定会成功。 He is sure of succeeding. (“他”自己认为一定成功) 4.跟that引起的从句,常用人作主语。例如: I’m sure/certain that he’ll come. I was sure/certain (that) he had seen me. I’m quite sure/certain I left the book on the table. 注:当sure或certain用于否定句时,其后跟whether或连接代/副词引起的从句,不跟ththat引起的从句。例如: I’m not sure/certain whether I’ve met him before. I’m not sure/certain whether he will come. I’m not sure/certain who he is. I was not sure/certain what I ought to do. I’m not sure/certain why he wants it. 以上几种情况中的sure与谨衫启certain虽可换用,但隐含意思不同。Sure表示主观的推测或感觉,所述事实并不一定如此;certain则指说话者有充分的理由或根据,肯定某事会发生。如下面两句中的certain均不可用sure替换。例如: I’m certain he wasn’t in the classroom. I saw him in the library. I’m certain than he will go the concert. He told me so an hour ago. 5.与make连用构成短语,后跟从句,作“弄清楚;设法做到”解。例如: Make sure/certain when the train leaves. Have you made sure/certain that the train has already left? 6.与for连用构成短语,在句中作状语。作“确实;毫无疑问”解。例如:I don’塌粗t know for sure/certain that he’s dead. I cannot sau for sure/certain when he will come. (二)、两者不可换用的情况: 1在“It is…that结构中只能用certain,不能用sure。 例如: It is certain that he will come. It was certain that our football team would win the game. 如是否定句,用whether,不同that。例如: It is not certain whether he will come. 2. 在祈使句中通常用sure,不用certain。例如: Be sure to tell me all the news. Be sure and come as soon as possible. Be sure you don’t upset any of them. 3.作定语时,sure作“有把握的;肯定的;可靠的”解;certain作“某个;某些”解。例如: Put it in a sure place. There was only one sure way to succeed. A certain person called on me yesterday. Certain students have failed in the exam. 4.Sure在美语中可用作副词作肯定答语,用以代替surely,相当于certainly,of course;而certain则不能用作副词。例如: I wonder if I could use your phone. Sure. Go ahead. Zhou Lan, can I have a look at your copy of China Daily? Sure, go ahead.