




大英帝国在乔治五世去世(迈克尔·刚本饰)之后,终于迎来了耻辱的时刻,令国民都倍感丢脸的爱德华八世(盖伊·皮尔斯饰)终究还是选择了“爱美人不爱江山”。宣布退位让贤,将弟弟乔治六世(科林·费斯饰)送上了国王的宝座。然而,心地虽善良的乔治六世却饱受着身体缺陷——口吃的严重困扰。每每当众发表演讲时都显得非常的吃力,就连几句很简单的话都结结巴巴地讲不出来。随着国家逐渐地被卷入可怕的搭信战争,国家和民众都急切需要一个英明的领导者。此时乔治六世的妻子伊丽莎白(海伦娜-邦汉·卡特饰陵搭)也是未来英女王的母亲,亲自为丈夫找来了语言治疗师莱昂纳尔(杰弗里·拉什饰)。通过一系列的训练,新国王的口吃毛病得到了很大的改善,莱昂纳尔正直的个性也赢得了国王等人的尊重,并有幸成为国王的好友。随后乔治六世发表了著名的圣诞讲话,鼓舞了当时在二战中奋勇拼杀的英国军民,成为历史佳话。The British empire in George v died (Michael just this act the role ofing) afterwards, finally ushered in humiliating moments, make national all feel humiliated Edward viii (guy Pierce).shebeginstofall ultimately chose "beauty not jiangshan". Brother, will announce abdicated penalty-takers George vi (colin fischer, who adorn) into the king's throne. However, a heart though kind George vi but suffered a serious physical defect - stuttering problems. Often in public speaking all seem very sweaty, even a few words very simple words could not speak out timidly. As countries gradually evolved into the horrors of war, the state and the people desperately needed a wise leader. When George vi wife Elizabeth (Helena bonham carter - diggs) also will be the future queen mother, personally for her husband for language therapists Leon na er (Geoffrey rush diggs). Through a series of training, the new king impediment got very big improvement, Leon na er upright character also won the people's respect and honor to be the king's friends. Then George vi published famous Christmas speech, inspired was fought in world war ii, the British military and civilian valiant become history anecdotes. 是部电影吗?我找到的是电影,,四十四只狮子,内外有四十四只狮子,不知是四十四只死狮子,还是四十四只石尺枝拿狮子Forty-four lion, inside and outside have forty-four lion, don't know is dead lion, or forty-four forty-four stone lions 希望你能满意,请采纳谢谢