的有关信息介绍如下:詹姆斯·莫里亚蒂教授(James Moriarty),是阿瑟睁喊散·柯南·道尔悉氏创造的福尔摩斯探案小说中的反派人物,是伦敦“犯罪界的拿破仑”,福尔摩斯渗型曾称他“像是一只位于网中的蜘蛛,任何一丝牵动都逃不过他的眼睛”,他也是一位数学天才,他於二十一岁时发表了一篇颠覆数学界的论文,原本前程似锦,但他祖先犯罪的血液开始影响他,所以伦敦有一半的犯罪事件都是由他主导的。James lemuria timothy James Moriarty), professor is Arthur Conan Doyle created villain figures in fiction holmes detect.it wanted "crime, London," holmes circles of napoleon once said he "like a spider, located in net of any hint of colchicine all escape however his eyes," he is also a mathematical genius in twenty-one, he published a paper subversion when the papers, originally in future, but his forefathers crime blood began to influence him, so London has half the crimes are made by his dominant.