的有关信息介绍如下:个 人 简 历 感谢您在百忙中审阅我的简历 个人概况 求职意向: 销售工程师 姓名: 性别: 男 出生年月: 所在地区: 学历: 本科 专业:工商管理(主修市场营销) 婚姻状况: 已婚 民族: 汉族 外语能力: 英语四级 政治面貌: 党员 驾照: 有 联系方式 电话: 通信地址: 教育背景 "特长:1、驾龄3年,有私家车,路面行驶没有问题。1、高中曾经是两界三好学生。2、大学期间曾担任过学生会体育部部长,并入党。曾分别担任过班里的生活委员和体育委员。" 工作经历: 1、于2005年寒暑假时期,实习于#######公司销售部任经理助理一职。 2、2006年1月——2006年7月,实习于#######有限公高搏司,任业务员一职。 3、2006年7月——至今,工作于#######公司,任贸易新产品开发项目工程师及部门业务员。负责国外业务及国态游内部分业务的开发。 其他说明: " 本人稳重、任劳任怨、勤劳、踏实敬业、有较重责任心,愿从基层做起!喜爱销售工作。 望贵公司给我一个为公司效力与帆念销展现自我的机会,并通过我的工作为公司带来效益,愿与公司共进退! 也许在众多的求职者中,我不是最优秀的,但我一定是最努力的。我将以最饱满的热情和十足的信心接受您公平、严格、睿智的挑选,真诚等候您的回音!谢谢! Resume Thank you for taking the time to review my resumePersonal ProfilesJob intention: Sales EngineerName: Gender: MaleDate of birth: Region:Education: Undergraduate: Business Administration (majoring in marketing)Marital status: Married Race: HanForeign language skills: English 4 Political Status: PartyDriver's license: YesContactTel:Address:Education"Features:1, driving experience three years, private cars, the road is no problem.1, high school students who are two circles Miyoshi.2, college students served as sports minister, and to join the party. Respectively served as the lives of class members and sports members. " Work experience:1, in 2005, during the winter and summer internship at the company's sales department Renjing Li #######, Assistant post.2,2006 1 month - in July 2006, internship at ####### Company Limited, a post office clerk.3,2006 in July - so far, work on ####### company, he served as trade, new product development, project engineer and department salesman. Is responsible for foreign business and the domestic part of the business development.Other notes:"I am stable, hard working, industrious, practical devotion, there is heavy sense of responsibility, willing to start from the grassroots! Love sales. Your company gave me a hope for the company and to demonstrate the effectiveness of self-opportunities, and through my work to bring benefits for the company is willing to closely aligned with the company! Perhaps the many seekers, I am not the best, but I must be the most effort. I will most enthusiasm and full confidence to accept your fair, strict and wise selection, sincerely waiting to hear from you! Thank you! Work experience:1, in 2005, during the winter and summer internship at the company's sales department Renjing Li #######, Assistant post.2,2006 1 month - in July 2006, internship at ####### Company Limited, a post office clerk.3,2006 in July - so far, work on ####### company, he served as trade, new product development, project engineer and department salesman. Is responsible for foreign business and the domestic part of the business development.Other notes:"I am stable, hard working, industrious, practical devotion, there is heavy sense of responsibility, willing to start from the grassroots! Love sales. Your company gave me a hope for the company and to demonstrate the effectiveness of self-opportunities, and through my work to bring benefits for the company is willing to closely aligned with the company! Perhaps the many seekers, I am not the best, but I must be the most effort. I will most enthusiasm and full confidence to accept your fair, strict and wise selection, sincerely waiting to hear from you! Thank you!