




中英文对照歌词: I'm at a payphone trying to call home 我在公共电话前试着打回家...  All of my change I spent on you  我所有的钱都花在你身上  Where are the times gone  过去的时光跑哪去了  Baby it's all wrong,  宝贝一切都走样了  Where are the plans we made for two?  属于我们的未来呢?  Yeah, I, I know it's hard to remember  我知道这很难想起  The people we used to be  过去的我们  It's even harder to picture  甚至更难去想象  That you're not here next to me  你已不在我身边  You said it's too late to make it  你说已经为时已晚  But is it too late to try?  是不是也太难挽回?  And in our time that you wasted  你浪费了我们的时光  All of our bridges burned down  我们之间的桥梁被破坏了  I've wasted my nights  我虚度了我的夜晚  You turned out the lights  你将我的光明熄灭了  Now I'm paralyzed  而我还痴痴地  Still stuck in that time  还停留在那时  When we called it love  我们相恋的时候  But even the sun sets in paradise  但就算是天堂.也有日落的时候  I'm at a payphone trying to call home  我在公共电话前试着打回家...  All of my change I spent on you  我所有的钱都花在你身上  银纳衫Where are the times gone  过去的时光跑哪去了  Baby it's all wrong,  宝贝一切都走样了  Where are the plans we made for two?  属于我们的未来呢?  If happy ever afters did exist  如果永远幸福真的存在  I would still be holding you like this  我会继续守护着你  All those fairy tales are full of shit  那些童话都是狗屎  One more fucking love song, I'll be sick  再来一首情歌,我就快吐了  Oh~You turned your back on tomorrow  你转身逃避了明天  Cause you forgot yesterday  因为锋腔你把昨天给遗忘  I gave you my love to borrow  我给了你我的心  But just gave it away  而你却将它遗弃  You can't expect me to be fine  你不用期望 我过得好不好  I don't expect you to care  我也不期望你会关心  I know I said it before  我知道我曾经说过  But all of our bridges burnt down  我们之间的桥梁被破坏了  I've wasted my nights  我虚度了我的夜晚  You turned out the lights  你将我的光明熄灭了  Now I'm paralyzed  而我还痴痴地  Still stuck in that time  还停留在那时  When we called it love  我们相恋的时候  But even the sun sets in paradise  但就算是天堂.也有日落的时候  I'm at a payphone trying to call home  我在公共茄纯电话前试着打回家...  All of my change I spent on you  我所有的钱都花在你身上  Where are the times gone  过去的时光跑哪去了  Baby it's all wrong,  宝贝一切都走样了  Where are the plans we made for two?  属于我们的未来呢?  If happy ever afters did exist  如果永远幸福真的存在  I would still be holding you like this  我会继续守护着你  All those fairy tales are full of shit  那些童话都是狗屎  One more fucking love song, I'll be sick  再来一首情歌,我就快吐了  Now I am at a payphone...  现在...我在电话亭内...    Man,fuck that shit  喂!我去你的  I'll be out spending all this money  我会花光所有的钱  While you're sitting roundwondering  而你还坐在那里困惑时  Why wasn't you who came out from nothing  为什么从一开始你无法成功  Made it from the bottom  从最底层开始做起  Now when you see me I'm struting  现在的我是多么出色  And all of my cars start with a push of a button  我所有的车都有个自动化的按钮  Telling me the chances I blew up  提醒我我所错过的机遇  Or whatever you call it  或者是随便你叫的名称  Switch the number to my phone  我换了电话号码  So you never could call it  这样你永远无法打给我  Don't need my name on my show  我不用自我介绍  You can tell it i'm ballin'  你也可以我说很夸大  Shish, what a shame could have got picked  唉.真可惜你没有被眷顾  Had a really good game but you missed your last shot  一个多么好的机会而你错过了  So you talk about who you see at the top  而你说的那些地位崇高的人  Or what you could've saw  but sad to say it's over for.  或是那些过去的丰功伟业都不算什么  Phantom pulled up valet open doors  打开了劳斯莱斯的车门  Wiz like go away, got what you was looking for  老子我要闪人了,你寻找的东西你找到了吗?  Now it's me who they want  现在他们需要的是我  So you can go take that little piece of shit with you.  所以你就跟你的垃圾一起走吧  I'm at a payphone trying to call home  我在公共电话前试着打回家...  All of my change I spent on you  我所有的钱都花在你身上  Where are the times gone  过去的时光跑哪去了  Baby it's all wrong,  宝贝一切都走样了  Where are the plans we made for two?  属于我们的未来呢?  If happy ever afters did exist  如果永远幸福真的存在  I would still be holding you like this  我会继续守护着你  All those fairy tales are full of shit  那些童话都是狗屎  One more fucking love song, I'll be sick  再来一首情歌,我就快吐了  Now I am at a payphone...  现在...我在电话亭内...Payphone(中文名:付费电话)是美国流行乐队Maroon 5第四张录音室专辑《Overexposed》中的一首单曲。在Maroon 5主唱Adam Levine作为教练的电视节目《The Voice》的第二季第十四集中首次表演。单曲于2012年4月16日首发,并邀来说唱歌手Wiz Khalifa助阵。曲目描写的是一段失败的感情,所有的浪漫时间已经不再重现。