




以前试着翻译了这首smile:When you first left me I was wanting more 当你最初离开我时 我想要更多 But you were d*ing that girl next door, whatcha do that for 但是你却跟隔壁女生.幽会. 你那么做是为了什么 When you first left me I didn’t know what to say 当你最初离开我时 我不知该说些什么 I never been on my own that way, just sat by myself all day 我从未试过那样子 自己坐了一整天 I was so lost back then 那时我不知所措 But with a little help from my friends 但是得到了朋友的一点儿帮忙 I found a light in the tunnel at the end 让我看到了隧道尽头的曙光(一丝希望) Now you're calling me up on the phone 现在你竟然打电话给我 So you can have a little whine and a moan 因此你可以抱怨哀叹了 And it's only because you're feeling alone 而这只是因为你觉得寂寞了 At first when I see you cry, 最初我看见你哭宏枣 yeah it makes me smile, yeah it makes my smile 是的这使我很开心 让我想笑 At worst I feel bad for a while, 在最糟糕的时候我是有一时感到难过 but then I just smile I go ahead and smile 但后来我还是笑了 我会继续微笑的 Whenever you see me you say that you want me back 每次看到我 你都说想我回到你身边 And I tell you it don't mean jack, no it don't mean jack 我跟你说这根本就毫无意义 这真是毫无意义 I couldn't stop laughing, no I just could help myself 我忍不住笑 哦不 我能控制住自己的 See you messed up my mental health I was quite unwell 看你害我心灵受拍孝到伤害了 我感到很不舒服 I was so lost back then 那时我不知所措 But with a little help from my friends 但是得到了朋友的一点儿帮忙 I found a light in the tunnel at the end 让我看到了一丝希望 Now you're calling me up on the phone 现在你竟然打电话给我 So you can have a little whine and a moan 因此你可以抱怨哀叹了 And it's only because you're feeling alone 而这只是因为你觉得寂寞了 At first when I see you cry, 最初我看见你哭 yeah it makes me smile, yeah it makes my smile 是的这使我很开心 让我想笑 At worst I feel bad for a while, 在最糟糕的时候我是有一时感到难过 but then I just smile I go ahead and smile 但后来我还是蔽贺拆笑了会继续微笑的 lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala lalala At first when I see you cry, 最初我看见你哭 yeah it makes me smile, yeah it makes my smile 是的这使我很开心让我想笑 At worst I feel bad for a while, 在最糟糕的时候我是有一时感到难过 but then I just smile I go ahead and smile 但后来我还是笑了 我会继续微笑的 lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=486783510