




英语  P41 1、plane ,an abacus ,ships ,car,handcuffs,purse,ride bike,shoes,astronaut  2、one hundred and fifty-eight  two thousand and one  fourty five percents  zero point twenty five  six point zero three  sixty degress  six point fifty nine  one thousand five hundred and seventy-one  one sixth  three fifths  p42  (1)Spring Festival is also called the Chinese New Year,In thisday everyone wears clothes to celebrate the festival the famlies would get togther.  (2)The Dragon boat day in on the fourth Thursday of November. On thisday in America and Canda,familiea get togther to celebrate the harvest 。They usually have a turkey for dinner. 乎老顷 含笑(3)On Lantern festival is one of the biggest holidays in China .Several days before Lantern festival ,people begin to make lanterns 。lanterns are make in the shape of different animals.  (4)Mid-autumn festival is the day which the whole family teunites .the whole family may eat the moon cake togther ,enjoys looking at the moon brightly ,as soon as may also play the lantern。  p43  1、playing football ,wash,play the violin ,to make a phone call ,especially loudaly,go fishing  2、 (1)1.000,120,岁陆852 (2)15 79 17 27 (3)10分之3,5分之3,7分之3 9分之7  (4)50% 75% (5)25° 160° (6)0.78 11.45 21.13 57.22 6.5  P44  3、(1)it is called the Sun。 (2) It gives us heat and light (3)the moon is just 380.000km away (4)Because it is very far away (5)It takes four years for light to reach us from Alpha Centauri  P45  1、左边 odd number even number equal 右边 plus/add minus/subtract divide times  2、Six oclock (2)eight oclock (3)play computer (4)do my homework (5)a lot of  (6)Efforts to learn  P46  I'd like to say i have nothing to show himself. but i would not lag behind, don't know why, i have no, not backward nor might this is the natural character, I like so many things with me to feel very well, the students are very lively  I like their  p47  was,were spoke  cooked came  knew gave  swam heard  got sent  taught hurt  left stole  smelt took  drove slept  ran sat  thought met  kept brought  bought flew  began woke  did chose  cost lost  found read  threw rose  stood wore  p48  What is your favourite sports?  A tourist steal a purse from a man  They did catch the thief  Our class 40 students consist of  T aim his eye at the torch  P49  横着的 (1)I attend listening the music every day  I attend aconcert yesterday  Iwill go shopping in threeday  (2)He often explains to the guests products  He explainad that he had been cheated two days ago  He will to everyboby explains tomorrow  (3)He often steal something  I saw a thief steal something yesterday  Tomorrow ,Do know will have the thief steal  (4)He often invite his friend  I invite my friend go shopping  I will invite my families go shopping  2、twenty five  Sixty  40 precent  P50  To go south to the left until you get after Yi Tian Road to go straight and turn a corner and then go straight to the north to the concert hall.  P51  He went to the reception  He at the reception  He from the reception out of  She onto of the table  On the table there is onething  OnE thing that tipped off the ground  Thing black in the car above  Thing black belove in the car  He stood in front of the car  HE stood behind the car  She between the two vehicles  He into home  He in home  He out of from home     Honest friendly hummorous     Because thisfriend Would give people a pleasant sense is very easygoing  P53  1、Clean up 2、put on new clothes 3、watching TV  4、Went out to play 5、chat with my friends  Zebra  Monkeys  Elephants  Lions  Tigers  The cafeteria  The parrot house  Entrance  Bears  Kangaroos  6、listhen music 7、Watching TV  P54                                   3、Him in bed to see a thief in the next home, then he phone 110. the police and caught the thief. the police are thank him for his cooperation  P55  A week in take a shower. in addition to friday and sunday other time in doing his homework on mondays, wednesdays friday, saturday and i play football, only on friday, saturday and sunday and i watch tv for a week, i don't go shopping, i have only on wednesdays and sundays go to bed very early  2、(1)mammals (2)afican elephont (3)white rginoceros (4)100 feet long  (5)fifty (6)white rhinoceros  3、Hainan is a tourist resort. there areHainan Island is world-famous for its unique and charming tropical views, relaxed and happy natural environment, particularly magnificent marine resources and simple and kindhearted people  科学  P57  (1)       如果可能,为什么每人尝试?  (2)因为那时遥远,是我还没出生的时候,不可能     (1)心里面是什么?  (2)头发有多少根?  (3)你的前世叫什么名字?  P58  (1)       宇宙有多大?  (2)       地球有多少细菌?  (3)       人一生做过多少事?  ×××√  5、被操纵的变量  被测定或被记录的变量  因变量随自变量  6、气温 生长速度  液体 体积  生长速度 人体  P59  碘酒受热时会变成气体,气体受冷时又会直接变成固体,它在油脂里极易溶解,于是纸上就出现颜色深。  P60  先大后小 大的要让小的 公平  2、一人咬一半  3、(1)-选(2)橘子和小苹果的大小差不多  (2)-选(3)的公平性相当,都是同一性质  (3)-选(1)的合理性不公平  4、我会先让自己选,剩下的是别人的  P61  5、 溶解能力由温度,颗粒大小和搅拌有关  不同的气温对不同的植物生长影响不同  糖会消耗钙量,缺钙会严重影响骨骼  风力越大,帆船的速度越快                          盐会由于水的蒸发而结晶,使盐与水蒸气分离 水的蒸发 结晶,盐与水蒸气分离  溶解能力的温度,颗粒大小和搅拌有关 颗粒大小和搅拌 溶解更快  不同的气温对不同的植物生长影响不同 气温 影响不同  糖会消耗钙量,缺钙会影响骨骼 消耗钙量 缺钙  风力越大,帆船的速度越快 风力大 帆船速度快  P62  25cm 175cm 1:7  26cm 183cm 1:7.038  27cm 190cm 1:7.037         22cm 159cm 1;7.227  23cm 160cm 1:7  24cm 170cm 1:7.083  脚印长度与身高的比例如下:1:7  根据平均数,身高与脚长比例系数: 1:7     P63  (1)       旅游业 开展活动  (2)       家人  (3)       需要  (4)       请别人自己都可以  (5)       和谐     (1)       进行实验,获取事实  (2)       两个质量不同的小球,长度一定的绳子,支架,定时器  (3)       利用类似沙漏的装置  P64  3、(1)轻球的重量m  (2)重球的重量M  (3)时间t  4、重量为M的小球,摆来回二十次的时间为T  重量为m的小球 摆来回二十次的时间为t  T与t进行比较。来验证假设  三、  盘子 水  P65  常温下连食盐的熔点都没有达到,使食盐液化都不可能,蒸发就更不可能了.....     (1)       淡水  (2)       .蒸馏  (3)       条件不足  (4)       半透膜过滤法  P66  1、  我的感受觉得很难受  2、  感受会比较好  3、  因为如果当初打掉我 就不会有我  二、  (1)世界人口寿命增长,导致世界人口猛增  (2)对于那些被打掉的孩子是不公平的  (3)如果用基因工程转基因会对人体有害  如果不用基因工程会有很多不便  (4)为什么基因工程对人有利有弊  P67  曼妥思糖含有一种叫做阿拉伯胶的化学物质,这种化学物质遇到含有碳酸盐成分的可乐后,让水分子的表面张力更易被突破,以惊人的速度释放二氧化碳。  P68  (1)    将老化,残旧,坏境恶劣  (2)    坚硬  (3)    有顽强的生命力  (4)    充满科学发明     (1)       不可信 不可信 不可信  (2)       吃出来的病怎么吃回去?  从来都没听说过  火星中没有大气        p49  4、  工人违规操作,焊接时火花四射引起  工程负责人表示  火花四射引燃某种易燃物所致  施工操作不符合规定,无疑是火灾导火索  火灾是由火花引燃易燃品  P70  因为保鲜膜上的水形似凸透镜,而通过凸透镜看的东西往往会大于原有形态  P41  (1)       不是艺术品  (2)       可以  (3)       真是漂亮的岩石  (4)       初次见到是艺术品,再次见到是艺术品  2、动物为了生存去适应环境,人类为了生存使环境更适应  一次一次的苦难,重复持续,变得更坚强独立  作弊被逮着=倒霉; 没逮着=运气; 逮不着=高手。。。。  P72  瓶子里的气压低于外界的气压,鸡蛋被外界气压压入瓶中。  P73  提高关税,以保护自己的商品。(背叛)  两方保持沉默(合作)  两人保持沉默     2、先辈将错误的科学假设留给后人去破解,从而对后人有帮助  3、多思考,多实验,多观察  4、大概语文书吧  P74  标题:神奇墨水  姓名:…  合作者:家长  指导老师:没有  时间:2011年1月20日  简介:…  器材:毛笔1支,打火机一个,糖水1杯,白纸一张  图表:无  实验设计:1、用毛笔蘸糖水在纸上写字或画画  2、晾干后,看字形或图案  3、用火烤后,变化怎样  陈述实验现象:火烤之后,有浅褐色的字形和图案  对实验进行分析:火烤之后,字形图案会因糖分脱水,而呈现浅褐色  结论或应用:无  参考文献:无  P75  火烤之后,字形、图案会因糖分脱水,而呈现浅褐色     告诉你吧,太可怜了,但要给分哦