




There is no spoon?Original quote from TheMatrix: "Boy: Do not try and bend the spoon. That's impossible. Instead only try to realize the truth. Neo: What truth? Boy: There is no spoon. Neo: There is no spoon? Boy: Then you'll see that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself " 这是电影The Matrix中的台词:“汤匙原本是没有的,心中想了,它便存在。”“你看到的不是勺空仿子在弯曲,而是你自己。” "That is not exactly something that Plato would say. The spoon is "empty." It has "no self nature," no essence or enduring reality. It exists only relative to everything else ("relative existence" and "dependent origination"). This is what the boy says: Neo can make the spoon bend by bending himself. " 上面的原文是网友在争论台词中想要表述的到底是什么哲学思想的其中一方观点。因为有人把其解释为伯拉图式的对话,而反方观点认为并不是。它所要表达的是相对论哲理。认为勺子是空的,不存在的,如果想要让勺子弯曲,需要自己“弯曲”以达到勺子仿仔的相对弯曲。所以如果要是用斗大纤佛家思想来解释,大致可以和‘色即空,空即色’的意义相同。