




Miranda Lambert - The House That Built Me 米兰达 兰伯特 - 老房子的回忆I know they say you can’t go home again我知道人们都说“从老家出来就不能再回去”I just had to come back one last time我只是需要在回家看最后一次Ma’am I know you don’t know me from Adam女士,我知道你没从Adam那里听说我But these handprints on the front steps are mine但是走廊前布满了我的手印Up those stairs in that little back bedroom到了二楼 可以看闹尺到后边有一个小卧室Is where I did my homework and I learned to play guitar那是我做作业和弹吉他的地方I bet you didn’t know under that live oak我打赌你们一定不知道槲树下边,My favorite dog is buried in the yard埋葬着我最喜爱的小狗I thought if I could touch this place or feel it我想我只要能来这里感受一下This brokenness inside me might start healing心中的伤痕也许就可以开始痊愈Out here it’s like I’m someone else但如今物是人非I thought that maybe I could find myself我想我可以在这里找回自我If I could just come in I swear I’ll leave如果能进入房间 我想在我离开时Won’t take nothing but a memory就可以带走我的回忆From the house that built me从养育我的老房子Mama cut out pictures of houses for years妈妈几年前就剪下那些房子的图片From Better Homes and Gardens magazine从《美化家居和花园》这本杂志里Plans were drawn and concrete poured计划了很久 才开始建造我们的房子Nail by nail and board by board一根根钉子 一块块木板Daddy gave life to mama’s dream爸爸用生命完成了妈妈的梦想I thought if I could touch this place or feel it我想我只要能来这里感受一下This brokenness inside me might start healing心中的伤痕也许就可以开始痊愈咐雹Out here it’s like I’m someone else但如今物是人非I thought that maybe I could find myself我想我可以在这里找回自我If I could just come in I swear I’ll leave如果能进入房间 我想在我离液简高开时Won’t take nothing but a memory就可以带走我的回忆From the house that built me从养育我的老房子You leave home and you move on and you do the best you can你离开家 你在外边打拼 然后做到最好I got lost in this old world and forgot who I am我迷失在这世界里 我忘记了自己是谁I thought if I could touch this place or feel it我想我只要能来这里感受一下This brokenness inside me might start healing心中的伤痕也许就可以开始痊愈Out here it’s like I’m someone else但如今物是人非I thought that maybe I could find myself我想我可以在这里找回自我If I could just come in I swear I’ll leave如果能进入房间 我想在我离开时Won’t take nothing but a memory就可以带走我的回忆From the house that built me从养育我的老房子