




KARDEL SHARPEYE, Dwarven Sniper: 火枪 矮人袜旅稿狙击手"Aye sir." 是的先生 "You have a target?" 您发现目标了? "I'm your shooter." 我是您的射手 "What do you need?" 您有什么要求么? "This .. is .. my .. b oomstick!" 这..是..我的... 炸弹!(这..是..我的.. 党费) "Where's me drink?" 我的酒放哪了? "I cant shoot straight unless I've had a pint." 给我来一瓶,我把敌人们打穿 "There's me drink, get in my belly." 哦我找到我的酒了 在我肚告孝子里 哈哈 "Guns dont kill people, I do! Hahaaa!" 枪才不会杀人,是我干的! 哈哈哈哈 "Dont shoot shoot shoot that thing at me." 别一直拿那个东西点点点点点我 "I shot the sheriff, and the deputy, and your weird doggy too." 我开枪打了警长.代理人,还有你的小破狗(似乎都是某西部片里的台词?) "You'll take me blunderbuss, when you pry it from my cold dead hands!" 如果我死了 那么我就把我心爱的大口径火枪留给你(似乎还是西部片台词?)RESPAWN: 出生语音 "Locked and loaded." 上膛完毕!MOVEMENT: 移动语音 "Ok." 好的 "I'll take care of it." 我会处理的 "Time to go." 时间到!出发! "Aye." 恩~ATTACK: 攻击语音 "Fire!" 开火! "I've got the beast in my sight." 那些野兽进入我的视野镇雹了! "Take that, ya sod." 吃我一枪! "Shoot to kill!" 枪毙!ATTACK HERO: 攻击英雄 "For Ironforge!" 为了铁炉堡!