




音标: [,ɔ:ltə'ɡeðə](无法显示就无视掉)adv. 完全地;总共;总而言之n. 整个;裸体同义词:adv.完全地;总共;总而言之totally, entirely, completely, absolutely, thoroughly, strictly, fullyn.整个;裸体birthday suit, entireness例句:Thank you. How much 【altogether】?谢山袭谢你。【一共】多少钱?【柯林斯高级英汉双解词典唯散】1. ADVYou use altogether to emphasize that something has stopped, been done, or finished completely. 完全地 [ADV after v]例:When Artie stopped calling altogether, Julie found a new man.当阿蒂彻底不再来拜访后,朱莉又找了个男人。2. ADVYou use altogether in front of an adjective or adverb to emphasize a quality that someone or something has. 全然地 [ADV adj/adv]例:The choice of language is altogether different.语言的选择全然不同。3. ADVYou use altogether to modify a negative statement and make it less forceful. (修饰否定陈述以减轻语气) 十分例:We were not altogether sure that the comet would miss the Earth.我们不太确定这颗彗星是否会错过地球。5. ADVIf several amounts add up to a particular amount altogether, that amount is their total. 总共地 [ADV with amount]例:Brando received eight Oscar nominations altogether.白兰度总共获得了8次奥斯卡提名。【21世纪大英汉词典】altogether adv.1. 全然,完全;全部地2. 总共指唯氏,一共,合计3. 总括,总起来说,总而言之,总之,总的看来;基本上[区别于 all together]n.1. 全体,整个2. [口语]裸体望采纳