




手表shǒubiǎo[wrist watch] 带在手腕上的表这手表需要擦油了。The watch wants oil.他的手表当了30元。He pawned his watch for 30 yuan.我留下这块手表作为借款的抵押物。I have left the watch as pledge for borrowed money.多年来他一直夹带手表过海关。For years he has been smuggling watches through customs.一块手表a wrist watch有人冒领了那消神粗只手表。Somebody has falsely claimed the watch.名牌手表watch of famous brand那个疯子把自己的手表和皮夹子扔了。The madman flung away his watch and his wallet.布朗先生看了看手表,示意我们应该动身了。Господин Браун посмотрел на часы и дал понять, что пора двигаться.这种手表在女士中很香。This kind of watch is very popular with ladies.17钻的手表a 17-jewel watch这只手表价值80元左右。The watch is worth about eighty yuan.她对这块失而复得的手表分外珍爱拿镇。She’s especially fond of the watch that she lost and then found.手表被抢走了the watch was snatched away手表比钟走时更精确。Watches run more accurately than clocks.手表走时很准。The watch keeps good time.德尔维内克斯牌手表Delvinex发光二极管显示石英手表quartz watch with light emitting diode; quartz watch with LED手表保用二年的保单two-years warranty on a watch每秒一跳的秒手表independent seconds watch起手表针的钳子lifting hands of wrist watch马洛里牌手瞎敬表电池校验仪Mallory watch battery tester高级手表游丝自动定长仪super-spiromatic