
team leader什么意思

team leader什么意思


team leader什么意思

team leader队长;班长组长;领队;团队领导例如:As a team leader, how much tolerance do you have for mistakes or false?作为团队领导,你在多大程度上能够容物拆察忍错误?"We must not lag behind theogher soccer teams. " said the team leader ofStar.“我们决不能比其他的足球队落后啊,”星队队长说道。I feel that your attitude has changed since you wererefused the promotion toteam leader.我感御拆觉你自从升迁不成后,对主管的态度就变了耶。Team leader Chen should take account of this and I got my ID card .陈队长把没收我的户口本和身份证都还给了我。Says team leader TomMurphy of the reflector, "It's got a lot to say afteralmost40 years of silence. "反射器小组组长汤姆·墨菲说:“沉寂了40年,它有很多话要说。”Although I am only in class, just as the team leader and team leader on duty,but I am still active and serious efforts to do a goodjob.尽管我现在只在班中只担任了小罩茄组长和值日组长,但我依然积极认真,努力做好。