
“我在你心里永远都是最后一位” 英文怎么说?

“我在你心里永远都是最后一位” 英文怎么说?


“我在你心里永远都是最后一位” 英文怎么说?

LZ,对不起,原谅我没有勇气用汉语给你写这封信,我相信如果你想看就一定能看明白。 Terribly sorry for my lacking courage to write this letter to you in Chinese. But you could understand me after reading it. 原谅我先迅旅前对你的冷漠,对不起,我只是不知如何做好,只是装作一副不在乎的样子,一次次欺骗自己,但是心是不会骗人的,可是我无能为力,原谅我始终微笑,哪怕内心真得很在乎,很痛苦。失去的就真得不会再回来了吗?我不知道,但不知道怎么来挽回。 Forgive me for having been cold to you. Sorry, I just don't know how to face it. So I pretend to care nothing but in fact I have cheated myself for many times.Yeah, it is heart that can not betray yourself. However I have no choice but to smile all the time, although I feel bitter at the bottom of my heart. Shall the losing never return? I don't know the answer, nor how to redeem it. 曾经那些时光我忘不了,你呢?忘不了你温柔的眼神,也忘不了那次你充满怨恨的眼神,忘不了你曾为我做过的一切,忘不了你让我感动的点点滴滴。说实话,你很像我小学时的一个朋友,从我第一眼注意到你时,就觉得好像。当初一直觉得你身上有他的影子,才喜欢和你在一起打闹,玩耍。后来慢慢发现你们是两个不同的人,而你在我心里也越来越深。我从来没有当面对你说出那句话,因为我开不了口,我自始至终都不会表达自己亩悔凳的感情,我喜欢你,前培刻骨铭心的那种。 I shall never forget the fond memories you have given me. What about you? I shall never forget your gentle eye expressions, its melancholy ones once you gave me, nor shall I forget all you have done to me. All you have done moves me. 说实话,你很像我小学时的一个朋友,从我第一眼注意到你时,就觉得好像。当初一直觉得你身上有他的影子,才喜欢和你在一起打闹,玩耍。后来慢慢发现你们是两个不同的人,而你在我心里也越来越深。我从来没有当面对你说出那句话,因为我开不了口,我自始至终都不会表达自己的感情,我喜欢你,刻骨铭心的那种。 To be frank, you looks like a friend of mine in primary school. My first sight of you reminds me of my old friend. I had thought you have something in common with him. That is why I fall in love with you and play with you. As time passes by, I come to realize that you are quite different from him. But I become hooked on you deeply. I never say " I love you" to you because I am too shy. I am clumsy at expressing my feelings but I do love you, deeply and thoroughly. 自始至终我忘不了所有的事情, 11月5日,我永远都忘不了的日子,忘不了那个晚上,你对我说的所有话,一字一句都记在心里,忘不了那封信,忘不了那首诗,忘不了```````什么对我来说你都是第一次,第一次牵我的手,第一次抱我,第一次为我吃糖,第一次`````谢谢你个我一段那么快乐的日子,我不曾后悔。 I shall never forget all the things that happened between us. It is November 5th, that I shall never forget. On that night, what you said to me, word for word, impressed me deeply. The letter, the poem, the .... I shall never forget. You are the first to me, the first to pull my hands, the first to hug me, the first to eat sugar, the first ...Thanks for your accompanying me. I have no regrets for the fond time. 那次你陪我去买书,我妈把我拉走时,没有对你说再见,我内疚了好久,当我回头时看你再向我招手,那时,我落泪了。 You companied me to buy books. When my mum took me away, I have no time to say goodbye to you. I felt sad for a long time. Your waving to me when I looked over my shoulder impressed me and I cried. 我曾问过你“如果我走了会怎么样?”你过了好久才说“如果你走了,我怎么办?”也许你不知道,那时我又流泪了,那时我已经决定永远都不在离开你,可是事与愿违。当初的那封信你还是误解了,我只是想让你安慰我而已,并非 绝情。而今,我真得要走了,你还会想我吗? I once asked you "If we broke up, what would you do?" You thought it over and over then said" If you left me alone, what should i do?" Perhaps you don't know, I cried. It was at that time that I decided to company you forever.However things go contrary to our wishes. The letter I wrote to you was just to get your comforting me but you misunderstood me. I am not crude at all. Today, I will fly away forever, Dear, will you still miss me? 那次你和我一起出去,你要管不再管你,你说你只要每天能看到我觉满足了,我终于能理解那种感觉了,可是以后再也难见到你了。我害怕今生今世再也见不到你了,这也许是真的。*********这个号码永远不会更改,我会永远等你打电话个我。我不会打扰你,只是在心里永远的默默祝福你,愿你幸福。 Once when we were out, you asked me not to be strict with you. You told me that you were content to be with me. I now understand such feelings. But i will never see you again. I feel horrible if I will never see you again in my life. Maybe it is true. ...... the phone number is for you forever. I will wait for you here, for your calling me. I will not bother you. I just pray for you in my heart. May you be happy!!!! 难道你我真的是生命中的过客,在生命中昙花一现吗?生命中的过客,你还会记得她多久? Are you just a passing traveller in my life, a flash in the pan? Will you rememer her or not? 23467希望对你有帮助!