




去死吧! Drop dead. 希律终于死了。天主的使者便在埃及向约瑟梦中显灵,说:“起来,带着孩子和他母亲去以色列吧,因为要害孩子性命的人都已经死了。” The time came that Herod died;and an angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt and said to him,‘Rise up,take the child and his mother,and go with them to the land of Israel,for the men who threatened the child's life are dead.' 可我对做一个受房东们任意摆布的房客烦死了。于是我举起双手说道:让它见鬼去吧! But I was sick and tried of being a tenant at the mercy of landlords.So I threw my hands up and said:the hell with it. “册瞎马上教我,我再来教你如何去死。” “Teach me at once,and learn of me to die.” “不,是该死的海关人员把它拿走的。”约翰说,他呷下一大口威士忌酒后又加上一句哗判:“见他们的鬼去吧乱姿改!” “No,the damned Customs took it.”John said,and as he had a gulp of the whisky he added,“Devil take them!” “想必你是在找死吧。”医生说。 “I believe you are trying to make a die of it,”said the doctor.采纳哦