




1.Bleedman是菲律宾的漫画家,他画了许多The Powerpuff Girls的漫画。Bleedman is a cartoonist from the Philippines, he drew a lot of the mangas of The Powerpuff Girls.2.她听到你这么说一定会非常开心,谢谢……If she heard you say this, she will be very happy, thank you3.我会和她说,多画一些有关PP的图片。I will take her to draw more pictures about PP.4.你住的地方有没有PP的主题商店?There is no PP theme shop where you live?5.我很少买钱包,因为钱都花完了……I rarely buy wallets, because I spent all my money6.我买的时候没剩几个,因为很多人抢着买。When I brought it, there was only a few left, because people all rush to buy it.7.如果它不打折,我是不会买的。If it was not on sale, I wold not have brough it.8.它有一个中文语言版本,和美国版不同的是,里面的孩子都是中国人,因为我没有仔细看唯败过美国版,所以不知道有没有不同。这部电影我觉得缺点还是很多,但我不认为它很失败,在日本,指察颤它的评价是最差的。我在电影院看的时候,只有几个观众,这令我很惊讶。It has a Chinese version, what differs from the American version is that all the children in it are Chinese. Because I didn't watch the American version closely, so donnot know if this is a definite difference. I believe there are many points that can be improved in this film, but I don't think it is a failed attempt. In Japan, it is ranked the worst film. When I watched it in the cinema, there were only a few audiences, this surprised me a lot.希望对你有帮没敏助~天上~