
I Will Always Return 原版歌词

I Will Always Return 原版歌词


I Will Always Return  原版歌词

中文名:I Will Always Return类 型:摇滚歌 手:Bryan Adams所属专辑:《Spirit: Stallion Of The Cimarron》歌词如下:I hear the wind call your name我听见风呼唤你的名字It calls me back home again它再一次呼唤我回家It sparks up the fire它激起了侍哪火焰A flame that still burns仍然燃烧着的火焰Oh it’s to you I’ll always return哦,为了你我将依然会回去I still feel your breath on my skin我仍感觉到你的呼吸在我的谈仿皮肤上I hear your voice deep within我听见深处你的声音The sound of my lover我爱人的声音a feeling so strong一种感觉那么强烈It’s to you是为你的I’ll always belong我将一直属于Now I know it’s true现在我知道这是真的My every road leads to you我的每条路都指向你And in the hour of darkness darlin’而且,亲爱的,在黑暗的时间里Your light gets me through你的光照亮了我Wanna swim in your river wannam在你的河里be warmed by your sun被你的阳光温暖着Bathe in your waters在你的水里呼吸cuz you are the one因为你是唯一I can’t stand the distance我不能忍受距离I can’t dream alone我不能独自做梦I can’t wait to see you我不能等待去见你Yes I ’m on my way home on my way是的,我在回家的路上Oh I hear the wind call your name哦 我听见风呼唤你的名字The sound that leads me home again那声音再一次指向我回家的路It sparks up the fire a flame that still burns它激起了火焰Oh’ it’s to you哦,那是为了你Iwillalwaysreturn我将依然会回去Wanna swim in your river be warmed by your sun我看见每个太阳的升起Bathe in your waters在我所有学习的里面cuz you are the one我将总是,总是回去I can’t stand the distance我不能忍受距离I can’t dream alone我不能独自做梦I can’t wait to see you我不能等待去见你Yes I ’m on my way home是的,我在回家的路Oh I hear the wind call your name哦 我听见风呼唤你的名字The sound that leads me home again那声音再一次指向我回家的路It sparks up the fire a flame that still burns它激起了火焰Yes I ’m on my way是的,我在回家的路上I will always return我将依然会回去Yes’ I will always return是的,我将依然会回去I see every sunset我会一直守到日落And with all that I’ve learned那是我懂得的全部it’s to you都是为了你I will always我会依旧always return依旧返老侍码回