
Yellow submarines 歌词翻译

Yellow submarines 歌词翻译


Yellow submarines 歌词翻译

In the town where I was born在我的故乡Lived a man who sailed to sea住着一个航海家And he told us of his life他旁祥诉说着In the land of submarines他在潜水艇的传奇So we sailed up to the sun曾经依着太阳的引航不断前搭启中行Till we found a sea of green直到我们找到一海的碧绿And we lived beneath the waves曾经经历波涛汹涌in our yellow submarine所幸有那艘黄金潜艇We all live in a yellow submarine我们居住其中不受伤害Yellow submarine, yellow submarine黄知山金潜艇啊黄金潜艇~We all live in a yellow submarine让我们安全度日Yellow submarine, yellow submarine黄金潜艇啊黄金潜艇~And our friends are all aboard四海兄弟聚首于其中Many more of them live next door隔壁的船员溜进来听曲And the band begins to play乐队始乐We all live in a yellow submarine我们相聚于黄金潜艇Yellow submarine, yellow submarine黄金潜艇啊黄金潜艇~We all live in a yellow submarine我们相聚于黄金潜艇Yellow submarine, yellow submarine黄金潜艇(Full speed ahead Mr. Boatswain, full speed aheadFull speed ahead it is, Sgt.Cut the cable, drop the cableAye, Sir, ayeCaptain, captain)(船长:全速前进!水手长:全速前进!正全速前进!船长!船长:切断电报!别管它了!水手长:遵命!船长!)As we live a life of ease我们悠然自得Every one of us has all we need每人都得其所需Sky of blue and sea of green蓝天碧海In our yellow submarine投映在我们的黄金潜艇We all live in a yellow submarine怀念聚在船上的日子啊~Yellow submarine, yellow submarine黄金潜艇啊黄金潜艇~We all live in a yellow submarine怀念聚在船上的日子啊~Yellow submarine, yellow submarine黄金潜艇啊黄金潜艇~We all live in a yellow submarine怀念聚在船上的日子啊~Yellow submarine, yellow submarine黄金潜艇啊黄金潜艇~