的有关信息介绍如下:industrial stylist参考资料里是工业设计师大本营.http://www.secoli.com/index.aspx?m=53&did=145Description: To provide the participants with the theoretical/practical knowledge in order to elaborate patterns and design clothing collections, always preserving the ideas of fashion, guaranteeing the wear ability of the item and the economic restrictions of the company. In particular this professional figure must, as well as make a basic pattern of current fashion trends, know how to carry out wear ability tests, supervise the production of a prototype to guarantee its industrial production and be able to design collections within industrial parameters. Once the collection is produced the figure will be able to grade sizes and work towards its placement. The course is divided into two years. In the first year (Basic Course) the fashion professions are introduced and taught to the students starting from level zero. Different subjects are looked at including preliminary studies, collections and designs of skirts, dresses, trousers and shirts. The pattern-making of the items are always directed towards industrial production.The second year (Advanced Course) completes the teaching process adding new topics that were not looked at in the basic course and that complete the preparation. In particular the design/study of the coats and jackets, knitwear, ready to wear and haute couture are looked at.Highlights: The complete panorama of the proposed topics will allow the students to access the job market with the best training credentials.Professional Stylist Resource. If you are searching MacRAE'S looking for sales leads, you need MacRAE'S on CD-ROM click for info. ... Industrial Directory · Canadian Marketing Database · US Marketing Database ...http://www.macraesbluebook.com/search/company.cfm?company=757402