
英文整句翻译! 高分在线等 共19句

英文整句翻译! 高分在线等 共19句


英文整句翻译! 高分在线等 共19句

Bill blames the car accident for his back problem. 比尔把车祸的起因归结于他的背痛。Over 1000 passengers took the ship to china.超过1000名乘客坐船来中国 at the park gate,a man put a stamp on my hand.在公园门口,一个男人在我手上盖了个戳the sign on the store says,"closed". 店里的标志上写着:“暂停营业”practice the sentence.then you can say it.练习这个句子,然后你就可以说出来了。 can you play this song on the piano for me? 你能用钢琴演奏这支曲子给我听链做么?ashley got a pretty good grade on her test.阿什利在考试中得到了很好的成绩 the temperature dropped a lot.it was hot and now it's cold.温度下降了很多,过去很热,而现在变冷了 i like to read outside on the piano. 我喜欢在外面的钢琴上阅读。 【呃,这句不知道怎么翻译...】棚纤衡i'm kind of hungry.let's get a snack. 我有点饿了,我们去吃点点心吧fast food is convenient. 快餐很方便nancy has two kids.one is five years old and the other is three. 南希有两个孩子,一个五岁另一个三岁i can win this game.i know all the answers. 我能在这个游戏中获胜,我知道所有答案liz can help you pack.she is good at getting ready for trips. 李子能帮你整理,她很擅长为旅行做准备let's plan our weekend.what do you want to do? 让我们计划一下周末吧,你想做什么?the volume on the tv is too low.i can't hear anything. 电视声音太小了,我什么都听不到this is my new table.can you help me put it together? 这是我的新桌子,你能帮我把它拼起来么?竖胡this homework is not difficult at all.it's too easy. 这家庭作业一点也不难,太简单了jack is very creative.he's always making something new!杰克很有创造力,他总是做出一些新的东西。