
that is all right、all right、u are welcome,never mind分别用在什么情况

that is all right、all right、u are welcome,never mind分别用在什么情况


that is all right、all right、u are welcome,never mind分别用在什么情况

“That's all right.”作为常用礼貌用语,主要用于以下这些情景中:一、作为感谢用语的答语。当你为别人做了好事,别人誉哪对你表示感谢时,你常用它来做答语。意思是“不用谢,不客气。”例如:1.—Thank you very much.非常感谢。—That's all right.不用谢。2.—Thanks a lot. 十分感谢。—That's all right.不客气。二、作为道歉用语的答语。用于对别人的庆森码道歉所做出的礼貌回答。意思是“没关系,不要紧,没什么。”例如:1.—I'm sorry I'm late.对不起,我迟到了。—That's all right.没关系。2.—I'm sorry to trouble you.抱歉,麻烦你了。—That's all right.没什么。3.—I'm sorry I broke the cup.对不起,我打碎了杯子。—That's all right.不要紧。在不同的情况下意思都不一样,但都大同小异。1.正确的, 方便的, 适宜的, 良好的, 好, 行 The answers were all right.回答正确无误。The arrangement is all right with me.这样安排对我很适宜。Everything is going all right.一切顺利。Do you feel all right?你没什么问题吧?Don't bother about me. I'm all right.别为我担心, 我身体很好。“Do you want to join us for dinner?” “All right!”“你愿意和我们一起吃饭吗?”“好哇!”2.满意(的) 3.安全健康(的);平安无恙(的) 4.尚可;还算可以 5. 可允许(的);可以(的)6.(加强语气)无疑,确实 7.(确保对方同意或理解)如何,是不是 8.(回答对方的感谢或道歉)不要紧,没什么 9.(引起注意)哎 You're welcome的三个意思1.“不用谢”。如: — Thank you very much. 非常感谢。 — You're welcome. 不用谢。(不客气) 2.“你是受欢迎的”。如: — Can I come over and see you ? 我能顺便来看你吗? — Yes,you're always welcome.可以,总欢迎你来。 3. “随意用”。如: — May I use your dictionary? 我可以用用你的字典吗? — Certainly. You're welcome. 当然可以,随便。 never mind 用法:1)春或不重要,别担心。-I’m afraid I’ve broken your mug. - Never mind, it was old and I was going to throw it away.(不重要)Did you fall over and hurt your knee? Never mind, I’ll put a bandage on it. (别担心)2)Do not be concerned (about someone or something, or about doing something) 别管某人、某事Never mind about me — you go and I’ll join you later.(关于人)Here’s some money for you. Never mind about paying me back; you can keep it. (关于事情)3)withdraw previous statement. (收回先前的话) - What's the meaning of this? - What? - Never mind.(人家没听清或者不理解,回问你,你想算了)【楼主参考下~希望对你有帮助~】